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Blinkie 3 Blinkie 4 Blinkie 1 Blinkie 2 Blinkie 1 Blinkie 2 Blinkie 1 Blinkie 2 Blinkie 2 Blinkie 2 Blinkie Blinkie Blinkie Blinkie Blinkie Blinkie Blinkie Blinkie Blinkie Blinkie
About Me Image

Hello welcome to my little Internet Cage, here's random stuff about me (I only like 1 show so don't expect much media)

  • ISOPODS!! esp deep sea
  • digital music production
  • tech/computers
  • Serial Experiments Lain
  • centipede, stag beetle, mantis, many more
  • 4th dimension
  • multiverse theory
  • neurology
  • psychology
  • transcranial magnetic stimulation
  • digital currency & economies
  • making music
  • Actually every art form
  • mainly drawing
  • writing
  • figuring stuff out
  • watching anything crime/mystery related: inventing anna, missing/searching, fyre festival etc
  • Clay
  • Paint
  • stay in bed all day
  • rain weather
  • whole milk
  • wading in ponds
  • TUNNELS!!!
  • all bugs
  • daydreaming
  • mango lassi smoothie w/boba
  • most food smells
  • repeated sounds I don't make
  • doors being open
  • shoes
  • most clothing textures
  • showers baths
  • burgers tacos mexican food
  • stuff I'm used to changing