Contact Me

Email: u gotta reques it w good reason

P.O. Box: If you want ths u gots have a good reason so comment and if ur reason for getting my email sounds good i will email u, and if ur email for why u need my PO box is good i will send u it

Social Secutiry Number: i fogor :(

Location: in the Tunnels [probably in deep south from what i can tell Becuas it rains iced tea every week or so]

Me in a sewer tunnel

Social Media: I dont have social media [Kind of tye point 4 this website]

i have Pinterest

I will play minecraft with any1

I'm open to art collaborations on platforms like, Jspaint [or any reasonable program] if I like your art.

I don't do commissions, but I sell pre-made art pieces. All physical pieces are open for offers.