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oct 10, 2024

my mom was driving but i could see her body from a slightly above ground view as if im taller, she is crashing into multiple cars (kinda looks like a game of rush hour but bigger. i can see her contorting and i am screaming at my dad t come help her but he is busy chopping onions (which was vaguely relevantt but not enough for him to keep doing it) & i watchrd her crash into a tree and die, her body folded and she was like a sillhouette in the passenger seat, a mannequin with a bent neck

oct 9, 2024

have had lotsa vague dreams in the same places with no plot i can remember. one was SO FREAKING WEIRD and rnded. w me recording people with a cool. city skyline and theywere walking n random stuff in. londonish streets , sky was sunsetting and i kept moving the camera framing to ge t the bestshot. in another fragment, i looked @ myself and the leg scars but there were alo more and bigger and they had sprread to my arms and it was like super vivid overlapping mostly healed. and totnight i thought i was awake while dreaming, checked my face in the mirror like twice to make sure i was real and i knew it was real bc my face was so detailed i could see all my teeth and eyes adn stuff (but ofc it wasnt real) and when i woke up in the morning i felt like i was dreaming for ages,

kepe having dreams with the high-up houses near powerlines that are like barns, and too much flying, dreams of my face distorting and bleeding/shapes poking out of my skin, dreams of myself as a skeleton, dreams of some female figure that im rurnning from, the weird cliff and lake near the resturauntish thing on the beach where if u go too far left its an almost new palce with sewer tunnels and grafitti that people r inside, and if u go in them for long enough there are rooms and then the forest. the forest had a land formation i remember from a skate park i went to at age 5 and have not seen since. its a sort of unique hilll i only see from a distanvce. the trees cover itnow. it looks like mountain biking terrrain. i never see rocks or focus on trees. its always a blur. im trying to remember

this night i dreamed something that was important and i forgot it completely

oct 3, 2024

i have a dog kin d of husky looking named puddles, snd i hug it! there id more i forgot. i lookat my faecin a mirror its bleeding everywhere and teh skin gradually ruinss

oct 2, 2024

dont remember much except i kept finding stag beetles (dead i thnik) on plants in my school yard and gtting so excited i kept screaming really loudly in happiness and like squealing LOLL i was so freakng happy!!! BETELE..

Sept 27, 2024

I am a skeleton again, tjis time for much longer, i can see myself moving and its even more anatomically incorrect im made of weird sharp boxes that are shifting w sharp bones jutting everywhere

Sept 25, 2024

[nothing notable but i will write regardless because im trying to keep track of the new dream locations.] recently i have seen many cliffs and woods and strange natural areas, playgrounds and such like a rock overturned in my mind and weird false memories swarming from beneath. i still have no clue as to what triggered this very sudden change, started maybe a year ago or so.

tonight i watched as two people i know used a camera to film one of them as he drove his bike out of a windowlike rooftop and dropped onto the grass below, seeming dead and unmoving but he was fine. i also dreamed about the show danny phantom, though it was some entirely new plot that had nothing to do with the actual show, but for some reason my brain decided that's what it was. in another dream, i was invited into a strange parking garage that lit up in rows while someone showed me his car collection. they were all moving towards me and i jumped over them, realizing that it was a challenge of sorts and easily survivable. in recent dreams, more than ever in my life, i have been flying and jumping off things with reckless abandon. sometimes it frightens me to jump,especially off of taller structures but usually i pay them little mind. i had a period of dreaming, i think during age 15 and maybe 14, where for once in my life i had dreams in which i wasn't being chased. those dreams are back now, honestly its more comforting to have such a familiar premise.i am very good at running and hiding in my dreams. though this time, sometimes the chasing is more of a subdued and buried idea, less panic inducing and present.

Sept 20, 2024

Some thing/female person that hates us is flying a plane aand dropping bombs on the world we occupy (in which we cant leave, im pretty sure) so we are running from the areas being bombed , and im constantly worried and paranoid looking over my shoulder, im terrified that my bad thoughts will affect the dream and make my worries true so i try to not think about it and reassure the idea that shes not here yet. in the beginning i have muliple companions but heir numbers dwindle through the duration of it until im left with one

August 30, 2024

a maze , one of my friends (some alien) ran through needing to accomplish our task, and had to get past all the people-- it was kind of like a lazy river i imagine, though my view was farther up. The alien ran through swallowing peoples bodies and attaching their heads to these amoebas automatically, like a slug with a human size head for example. - it had abused its power after saying it would no longer consume and affect living bodies, so it had to contact it's superior through some digital simulation. There were mostly cliffs by the sea with not much visible ocean. As the vision faded, all of their features and faces dissolved into mudlike apparitions. - in the middle of this dream i could visit some shopping store onlinw (amazon) which sold the most lovely dolls covered in moss and vines. There were several of the same male figure (vaguely different versions like generation loss or ai receeationa

Jul 29, 2024

I look down at mtself and I am a skeleton with skin thinly stretched over. I can see my acual bones jutting out sharply from my back. I didntt look human, the bone arrangement was not typical / This dream scared me alot for weeks after.

Dec 30, 2024

Multiple scenes I am in something i can more closely equate to the hunger games--except the people in it aren't really fighting each other, we are trying to run from other unknown forces basically just random terrain, inhabited by some native people, some speak english. There are a few large lakes and for some reason i notice monkeys in a few specific scenes there are alien people, i switch between being different ones There are two who are evil Metaphorically, and 1 who isnt evil, but they end up banding together - scene i remember well: - there is a line of people going through various jungle-gym like areas, more than 12, the leader is a youngish boy who looks cruel (or has been made so because of his position) he explains the rules to me: there must always be twelve people singing at once, there can't be more or less (any deviation results in punishment we all assumed was death/elimination) - i have to go into the line, part way while walking i realize Oh No!! I should be counting the people (because if you are behind people in line you dont know how many are singing or not) so i quickly etart counting, i get to the twelfth boy and he has a red shirt, blondeish hair and he Looks at me and he Knows he is the 12th person. Which is definately a role to have - we line up in a different formation after a while, more people have to join, i count them in fours(up until 12) and start singing, someone i Know joins - it reminds me of the photo of the school shooter, but they used his elementary choir photo instead of an updated version--thats what my brain did, putting that person in the youngest and most harmless version of themselves - i knew i would run up and hug them if i could Even though it was a Bad Person!Very - took photos with the people, like at camp i was the only person with a phone, - later i saw more monkeys and photographed tyem, i was by a lake, this woman talked to me in english that wasnt the best

Dec 23, 2023

I dreamed i was in an accident , so i was in a room with some people, not many but one was a girl from school, a younger girl i know and this guy came in (one of the ceno twins) and i was the first to notice something wrong, he had a blade in his hands & attacked me by slicigf (i dont remember well) i think my arm or somethijg (i was Literally Shocked at how easily i was overpowered) and he went for the younger girl next, i tried to shield her but it was very difficult because i - i was scared - people were moving and it was difficult - i didnt want to get hurt again cause he could slash my back now But i managed to mostly cover her though she was on the ground moving He went into another room i heard skin ripping a second time in a pattern and i could visualize worse wounds on someone elses arm (it could have been me but i dont think it was) but i saw it in my head + I was aware the other person was wounded worse than me Later i was watching youtube videos covering the event Also the rest of the dream i was running slash flying everywhere, in an area similR to backstage area of lion king + empty stage and set but make it alot larger and expansive

Dec 1, 2023

A woman creating destruction in an orb, shes making a planet in outer space. She creates a burst of fire, and then ice on opposite sides and they rotate in her grasp over a surface. Theres low-poly 3d creatures Of different colors, but i barely see them as living and more as a construction a concept like a cave painting. The 3d surface expands as she shoots out a hand here and there, saying some words i forgot but she curses nonchalantly like "what if i send this here?" And with a burst of her hands she expanda the entire thing to a planet size , and the spot of fire and ice transform into great pillars that wrap around the planet in a belt, splitting it into two and colliding at a perfectly cut point

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