Multiple scenes
I am in something i can more closely equate to the hunger games--except the people in it aren't really fighting each other, we are trying to run from other unknown forces
basically just random terrain, inhabited by some native people, some speak english. There are a few large lakes and for some reason i notice monkeys in a few specific scenes
there are alien people, i switch between being different ones
There are two who are evil Metaphorically, and 1 who isnt evil, but they end up banding together
- scene i remember well:
- there is a line of people going through various jungle-gym like areas, more than 12, the leader is a youngish boy who looks cruel (or has been made so because of his position) he explains the rules to me: there must always be twelve people singing at once, there can't be more or less (any deviation results in punishment we all assumed was death/elimination)
- i have to go into the line, part way while walking i realize Oh No!! I should be counting the people (because if you are behind people in line you dont know how many are singing or not) so i quickly etart counting, i get to the twelfth boy and he has a red shirt, blondeish hair and he Looks at me and he Knows he is the 12th person. Which is definately a role to have
- we line up in a different formation after a while, more people have to join, i count them in fours(up until 12) and start singing, someone i Know joins
- it reminds me of the photo of the school shooter, but they used his elementary choir photo instead of an updated version--thats what my brain did, putting that person in the youngest and most harmless version of themselves
- i knew i would run up and hug them if i could Even though it was a Bad Person!Very
- took photos with the people, like at camp i was the only person with a phone,
- later i saw more monkeys and photographed tyem, i was by a lake, this woman talked to me in english that wasnt the best