current projects

this is just 4 me 2 keep track mainly,, probably wont publish any caus they r all Embarassing or just bad But i had fun w them

Project name Media type Short desc Progress Next goal Currently writing? Time worked on
E.O.I writing too much 2 write but theres a whole world system in progress? end result will Not be in writing form, probably drawn uhh like 4 character arcs atleast ??? No but always daydreaming new ideas 4+ years :)
the sun a martyr flexible writign boy builds really weird alien machine and sister is the only one who realizes how dangerous it is. after he is killed, she is left cleaning up the mess he made bare bones planning + written beginning WRITE MORE No since 2022
How it feels 2 be born from an egg poem Compilation split into 3 different sections for each person who share 1 main thing pretty much finished (like 16 poems id prefer longer tho) finalize ig No mid/early 2022
C.E.S.A (gonna change titl) short story compilation all of them are unrelated theres only lik 2 finished and 2 vague ideas WRITE MORE No since 2022
behind wire (title in progress) writing group of people affected by a deadly chemical, quarantined to live in a small town surrounded by high walls of barbed wire. bizarre little characetrs doing things planned some characters + paragraohs of writing WRITE MORE No since 2022
unnamed writing girl whos only knowledge of outside world comes from every piece of lost mail over the centuries (she lives in like a storm drain connnectd 2 mail chute) meets some guy over4k words writ more No 2023
Human[e] RPG/videogame/visual art piece difference between animals & humans (metaphorical & physical ideologies explored within a ficticious piece) ideas written out, a few scenes planned writw more No 2022
unnamws videogame leisurely collecting memories & eploring a world until brain forest fire makes u choose what 2 keep & what 2 forget lotsa lots of plannning & basic charactr info plan arcs then scenes in order No 2022


Name Meaning Instruments Progress
guillotine girl magical girl who brings justce 2 any victim who visits her website (song mainly ab how she escaeps from her situation tho) piano & vocaloid (eleanor rn but probably gonna change) almost finished, need 2 clean timing /render lyrics..that is if THE FILE SAVED ON MY RUINED COMPUTER LOL
Happy sugar whatever name in probgress Uhh...........,,....,:) Not evn qualified to write a song ab this heavy material So synth and vocaloid i wil change need to make 2nd half of entire song If the file saved :) #Pray4Me
Unnamed girl Boo hoo cry about nostalgia & wanting awful people back!!!!Bc it was fun nd better Idk Sketched maybe 1/3 in beepbox, wrote full lyric
laplace's angel She funny Every1 love her(Do u. the Reference of. U know cause Laplace's Demon but she Trys her best Idk sketch in beepbox got barely any lyric
Un named Girl Addiction Addition Adiciton Addiction Addi Idk nada
Un named Girl Addiction Addition Adiciton Addiction Addi Idk nada