not sure if itts convenient to write here as it'll take up so much of this page's storage maybe i will move it in the future. for now i am EXCITED because i found some feature on notion to organize information better. its justa drop down buullet point feature so not much but makes the whole thing easier visually. i get so tired of organizing because most of my stuff is written/drawn on very large whiteboards or notebook paper, but its very necessary...i've set up the main categories on Notion for stuff like characters, lands, species, natural world, physics systems etc. already finished characters for at least a couple people, right now im working on species and developing a template for subspecies.
i have the following main points for subspecies: name, (constituent origins & location right beneath because they require no elaboration) morphology, biology, culture and probably backstory/notes etc. i dont have it all yet. its difficult deciding what biological points are most useful to include but i've settled on the following:
- lifespan:
- - stages of development:
- - bio cycles:
- - diversity / dimorphism:
- - advantages:
- - disadvantages:
- - common illnesses:
- - environment interaction:
illnesses are important and the reason i've not added more for that point is because i plan to only list the names, whereas the definitions of illnesses will be provided elsewhere (im thinking maybe natural world? no idea, it doesnt seem to fit anywhere) and also makes sense to put he common illnesses right under disadvantages because they are related. (disadvantages meaning biological weaknesses/ more prone to certain things than other species)
i think i will have to put language under culture. the culture section is Alot more difficult to structure ...i have government/hiearchy, religion/patronage, and arts so far. what do i even write under arts? the architecture seems obvious but wouldnt that be more useful to write in Lands?? i should include basic categories like literature but WHAT IF THE SPECIES IS NOT LITERATE. also dont get me started on my language plans. i am going to make one language for the entire world thats universal because 1. creating 30 different funcional languages would literally destroy me 2. EASIER . it is going to be completely horrible because i need everything symbolism-wise to be perfect. idk shit ab phonology charts but thats the first thing ur supposed to make. i am just supposed to take sounds from languages i like and mash them together and then make letters and. tthen form words...romanization will probably be the easiest part (none of this is easy help me)
I HAVE RUN INTO A PROBLEM..for insectoid based species i want to use (for lack of better term) the click sound thats present in some soutth african languages (zulu, xhosa) because Makes Sense. i dont want 2 have 2 make an entire new insect language so i could just alter the base world language w different pronunciations. Which i will hve to do for every species now. and ill have some insect species use a language thats just sounds nd stuff that u dont kno what they mean bc i am not making an alphabet for noises that bugs make.